Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Paracetamol and Rheumatic Pain Management

Journal Article Critique HCA 220 Kayla Dye 3/3/2013 Wanda Carter This article explains what pains the elderly suffer from. Musculoskeletal pain in mentioned to be the most common. It mentions the causes being rheumatic pain, different types of arthritis, and non curable conditions such as tendonitis and bursitis. It states that pain management can either be treated with pharmaceuticals or non pharmaceuticals. Education of the patient of treatment is important in order to maintain good health with non pharmaceuticals.With pharmaceuticals are also offered but are mentioned to be â€Å"cost-effective† and since they contain â€Å"NSAIDs† there is less risk for harmful effects with effective relief of symptoms. Any of the pharmaceuticals that the elderly use should be used with caution because of sensitivity and drug interactions. This requires attention and adjustments of dosages to avoid risk and be beneficial at the same time. This article states there are four broad cat egories of treatment which include analgesics, NSAIDs, even stronger analgesics, and adjuvant drugs.With all these drugs they should be maintained efficiently throughout the period of treatment and physicians should be aware of the effects. The goals that are discussed with patients and physicians should be realistic for the pain management to be effective. They are ways to help side effects of rheumatic pain such as helping sleep disturbance, fatigue, and mood disorders. For any of this to be effective educational efforts must still be involved with the patient and healthcare professional perspectives. An accurate diagnosis for rheumatic pain management will help if the patients are realistic as this article states.These treatments should be multimodal, but pay attention to the health of the patient. The best outcome would be to have a great impact on the pain and improve their lives and with the wider range of options of treatment that can make it possible and help physicians with musculoskeletal aches and pains that occur in the elderly. Some implications that healthcare professionals could have are that pain characteristics, disability levels, and psychological factors such as depression and anxiety could affect the prognosis of musculoskeletal pain.Variables that are associated with poor outcomes for musculoskeletal pain could include the return of pain and complaints within a short time period, lack of education, use of pain medication, and even more bothersome pain occurring. There are important implications of expanded testing and treatment for musculoskeletal pain. Innovation has often outpaced clinical science, leaving uncertainty about the efficacy and safety of many common treatments. Complications and even deaths related to pain management are increasing. Despite uncertainties, manufacturers aggressively promote new drugs and devices.However, trust in the science supporting these products is eroded by revelations of misleading advertising, allegat ions of kickbacks to physicians,  and major investments by surgeons in the products they are investigating. Associate Level Material Medical Terminology Breakdown Break down 10 medical words from your chosen article. Place the component parts in the correct boxes. Copy and paste this template into your Week Eight paper. | Medical Word| Prefix| Combining form| Suffix| Definition| 1|   rheumatic| Rheumat/o| Rheumat/o-ic| ic| Watery flow. 2| osteoarthritis| Osteo/o | Osteo/o-arthr/o-itis| itis| A form of arthritis, occurring mainly in older persons, that is characterized by chronic degeneration of the cartilage of the joints. | 3| arthritis| Arthr/o| Anthr/o-itis| itis| Inflammation of a joint. | 4| tendinitis| Tendin/o| Tendin/o-itis| itis| Inflammation of a tendon. | 5| bursitis| Burs/o| Burs/o-itis| itis| Inflammation of a bursa. | 6| acetaminophen| A/o| a-ceto/o-mino/o-pheno/o-en| en| Analgesic drug used as an alternative to aspirin. 7| analgesic| Ana/o| Ana/o-ges-ic| ic| Pain killer| 8| musculo-skeletal| Musculo/o| Musculo/o- skelet/o-al | al| Pertaining to or comprising the skeleton and muscles. | 9| pharmacological| Pharmac/o| Pharmac/o-log/o-ic-al| al| The science of drugs, including their composition, uses, and effects. | 10| intra-articular| Intra | Intra/-articul/o-ar| ar| Within a joint. | References Fitzcharles, M. -A. , Lussier, D. , & Shir, Y. (2010). Management of chronic arthritis pain in the elderly. Drugs & Aging,  27(6), 471.

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