Friday, August 30, 2019

Interview with a Business Owner

Short Paper: Interview with a Business Owner (Week 5) Interview an entrepreneur who owns and operates a business to conduct a critical analysis of the company. You are responsible for developing questions that will garner the responses necessary to address the key elements of the assignment. Required Elements of the Interview: Critically assess the current status of the business, based on concepts presented in our course. he type and nature of the business (products/services offered) and the scope of the business (whether it is local in nature, national, or international in scope) why the person decided to go into business, and how he or she proceeded the business's form (is the business operated as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation (even an individual can form a corporation), a franchise, etc.? ) and the particular advantages and disadvantages of that form from the owner's perspective when compared with other forms he or she might have chosen the challenges and rew ards of business ownership he business owner's position on ethical behavior and responsibility the impact of each business environment (economic, competitive, technological, legal, and global) on the company and the owner's response the owner's strategy for gaining and maintaining new business opportunities keys to success, from the owner's perspective what the person would do differently if he or she had to do it all over again  · What would you say is the future of this business?  · Would you invest in this business? Why or why not? Required Formatting of Paper: This report should be double spaced, 12-point font, and three to five pages in length excluding the title page and reference page  · Title page  · Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page. You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary.  · Interview questions must be included as an addendum to the assignment; however, these should not be counted toward the length requirement for the paper.  · Submit paper in the Assignment Folder.This paper is due at the end of week 5. Grading Rubric: Short Paper: Objectives Outstanding Superior Good Substandard Failure A (90-100) B (80 – 89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (0-59) Demonstrates critical thinking /problem solving/creative thought/self assessment – 30-27 points 26-24 points 23-21 points 20-18 points Fewer than 18 points Clearly focused analysis demonstrating a high degree of originality, insight, and/or critical thinking/problem solving skills. Focused analysis showing some originality, insight, and/or critical thinking/problem solving skills.Somewhat focused analysis showing minimal originality, insight, and/or critical thinking/problem solving skills. Analysis not focused and very little creative thought or insight, critical thinking/problem solving skills demonstrated. Analysis not focused; little to no creative thought or insight; and/or critical thinking/problem solving skills is demonstrated. Develops and support ideas – 20-18 points 17-16 points 15-14 points 13-12 points Fewer than 12 points Thorough and insightful exploration, explanations that support each idea. Developed and supported key points.Inconsistency in developing and supporting ideas. Explanations and support of ideas is inadequate or ineffective. Meaningful attempt to explain or support ideas does not exist. Application of concepts learned in class to assignment 20-18 points 17-16 points 15-14 points 13-12 points Fewer than 12 points Draws direct correlation between concepts learned in class to assignment. Correlation between concepts discussed in class and assignment are generally drawn. One or two places could be expanded to show relevance to core concepts. Draws some correlation between concepts and assignment but three r four places could be expanded to show relevance to core concepts. Fails to demonstrate understanding of correlation bet ween concepts learned in class and assignment. Fails to demonstrate understanding of correlation between assignment and relevance to concepts. Responds to each aspect of the assignment 15-13. 5 points 13. 49-12 points 11. 9-10. 5 points 10. 49-9 points Fewer than 9 points Demonstrates full understanding of requirements. Responds to each aspect of assignment. Demonstrates understanding of requirements, but missed a key element.Demonstrates some understanding of the requirements but missing a few key elements. Gestures toward instructions but demonstrates little comprehension or competency. Disregards instructions. Adherence to APA Style (APA 6th ed) 5-4. 5 points 4. 4-4 points 3. 9-3. 5 points 3. 4-3 points Fewer than 3 points No APA style errors. No more than three APA style errors. More than four or five APA style errors. More than six APA style errors. No attempt at APA style. Paper is well organized with smooth transitions, and is free of distracting errors in grammar, punctuatio n, etc. 10-9 points 8. 9-8 points 7. 9-7 points 6. 0-6 points Fewer than 6 points Writing is clear and easy to follow. Grammar and spelling are all correct. Formatting gives a professional look and adds to readability. Writing is sometimes difficult to follow. Grammar & spelling is mostly correct. Formatting is good. Writing and presentation is not clearly organized. Formatting is lacking. Poorly written in terms of mechanics and structure. Largely incomprehensible writing and presentation. Poorly written in terms of mechanics and structure.

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