Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Process Of Making BMW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Process Of Making BMW - Essay Example Each idea that would become a car goes through a regular product development process (PDP), which is now mandatory for all BMWs. Under this process, the various components and new technologies are integrated to form a complete vehicle. The final product thus realized must meet the stringent real time tests that all BMW cars go through. This process has also been employed in the BMW Hydrogen 7 series that are due to hit the roads in 2007 when a limited edition of these cars would be sold to select users in select countries. This would be the world's first hydrogen powered and luxury performance car. A Process Development Center (PDC) has also been created for the pre-production testing of supplier components. An analysis center allows for functional analysis, testing compliance to standards and testing improvements made to the line. Once designed, tested and approved, the BMW next goes into the production plant. This plant comprises of three distinct departments: the body shop, the paint shop and the assembly line. The KISS system (Kernfertigungs - integierendes Ste uerungs System) is employed to completely automate communication in the production plant and also to design and store an electronic history for each car. It schedules and sequences the production methodology, making the making of BMW a well-organized process. The first stop in the body sh... Computerized robotic systems weld the small components together that make the three parts of the underbody of the car shell: the motor compartment, the floor pan and the rear compartment. The next stopover is the underbody marriage station (a BMW patent technology), where each car is attached to a geometric pallet. This allows for easy rotation and lifting of the underbody for associates and machines to easily weld bolts and various other small components into place. Next, the car enters the framing area where pre-assembled sides come to join the underbody. Once the pieces are weld together, robotic laser sensors inspect the unit for any possible errors. The car body is mounted once again on the geometric pallet to further weld and braze the unit for additional strength2 and prevention from water leaks. On completion, the car shell is transferred on the conveyor belt to the final stage of the body shop: fitting and finishing. In this stage the BMW is fitted with the various metallic components like door hinges, trunk and hood hinges. A grinding and sanding booth then smoothens these hinges and car body, making it better receptive to the paint. The hang-on panels including the doors, fenders, the hood, trunk and quarter panels are finally attached. BMW associates then carry out a final inspection whereby the car is checked for pluses (raised areas) and minuses (indentions). Once the smooth finish of a car is ensured, it is ready to go to the paint shop. The car is then lifted overhead and put on specially constructed computerized conveyors that transfer the semi-finished car shell to the paint department. This section of the factory is highly automated and computer controlled. The paint shop In the paint shop, the body of the to-be car is cleaned

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