Monday, August 12, 2019

IT Project Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT Project Management - Research Paper Example In this instance, the company seeks to enhance the solidarity in the organization among the junior and the senior staffs (Parthasarathy, 2010). Virtual teams stand out to be much more successful in the company when the employees of the company gain access to such aspects of training, formation of the group and its efficient management. In this instance, the team members should have their freedom of work and also have well laid down systems of communication (Zofi, 2012). Top management forms the major stakeholders in any successful Information Technology project’s implementation. They ensure the smooth communication between the members of the firm with the top management. (Zwikael, & Smyrk, 2011). The management ensures that there is enough staff that can successfully run the project. In fact, if possible, there should be standby staff to offer coverage in cases where there could be an emergency or even sickness in some instances (Morris & Pinto, 2010). The management is the planners of the ideas or goals that ensure that the IT company runs as expected. They ensure that with the use of the least resources and time, the planned objectives takes place smoothly for the success of the IT firm (Zwikael, & Smyrk, 2011). It is very vital for the organization to be on the safe side all the time during its daily operations. In this case, the top management is always prepared to counter such eventualities in the organizations. (Zwikael, & Smyrk, 2011). There lacks a good relationship. There are also decision-making problems, style of leadership and also opposition from other members of the team who neither participate nor contribute towards the development of the team (Leon, 2008). The aspects of human resource management items like selection, training, and management can help the virtual teams reduce travel and relocation costs, and provide work/life balance and flexibility for employees (Khosrow-Pour,

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